
Things about society.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Education, Democratic, and the Covid-19

I do not have time and would just like to take quick notes and I can elaberate it later.

As I mentioned in many of my previous post, the education is very important for democracy and the Covid-19 demonstrates how our education systems have faired us.

Personally, I have stated many times that a very important thing in education is to suspend the democratic system. If we can't teach our citizen how to suspend the democratic system, many thing we have build on will colaps.

In the case of COVID-19, the issue of govering power of elected officer are clashed with the individulism a lot.

As demonstrated by the Mainland China, many of us in the demoncratic system may begin to doubt the value of the demoncratic system when it failed to protect its citizen as China did. Fortunately, there are success stories in the democratic systems: The Taiwan, the New Zealand.

However, the goal of this article is not about who did well and who did not. But is to focused on the resolving of the issue of the governing power and the individulism.

Democratic systems need be supported by few pillors to principle. For one, the idea of governing by the people. For two, the freedom of will of the individual. There are few others that are important to the success of a democratic system.

For the first principle above, the governing by the people, it usually take the form of people electing officers and the officers inherited the power from the people and execute the power in terms of the people and for the people. Usually, every elected officer are bound by certain laws that provide guide lines on what is or is not under the officer's execute power. However, in a practical sense, it is hard for these laws to specify every applicable cases. The gray areas, therefore, exist. However, as is the basic practice of democratic systems, the legislature are giving the power to establish laws while the elect officers are to follow the laws. Many elected officers were given emergency authorities to help resolve the slow response issues of democratic system. However, these emergency authorities are, as is implied, for emergencies only. Eventually, the power comes from the law established by the legislature body.

Based on the operational principle described in previous paragraph, the executive orders issued by elected officers should be temparary. To held those orders extensively, laws should be passed by legislature. Obvering the pratices during the COVID-19 period, many few elected officers relyed the executive orders to the legilature body. Many of the legilature body did not take these issues in their hands either. Without the endorsment of the legislature body, these executive orders are and should be temparary and be considered the will of the officer and not that of the people.

Proceeded with the second principle of individualism. Democratic systems allowed and protected individuals to free to express their opinions and free to gather and try to get their idea heard. However, all democratic systems also has the underline under-wrote that majority rule. These usually carried out in legilature bodies, where votes on laws are conducted. Even though laws are not to depress the the opinions of the individual, other behaviors are to be guided by the law.

In the case of COVID-19, elected officers should have seeking supports from legislature bodies to endowse his/her executive orders. The endowsment and the law would provide executive officers the power to enforce the law.

In a democratic system, even though the system is govern by individual citizen, which does not give each individual the right to do whatever they wanted. They were given the full rights to express their opinions but beyond that, individuals' behavior are governed by the group consenses.

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