
Things about society.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Election 2020

Discrination: I am no Trump supporter as can be seen from my various post.

The issue:Issues concerning president Trump handling thing, and issues raised by the COVID-19 presented big challenges to our democratic system. It ranges from how presidnt Trump down play the seviousness of the COVID-19 to how governments impose or not-impose the mask mandate and other executive orders. All of these are testing our democratic attaiment.

In a democratic system, personal freedom is protected in lue of not harming other person's freedom or interests. Without the in lue clause, the freedom is not protected. Governments issued exective orders are and should be with people's interest in mind. When in doubts, it is necessary to present the case to peoples and try to reach the consention. Governors were given certain exective rights, but shouldn't have taken that rights as granted.

To the 2020 elections. It really does not matter who won the election and by how much. Democrtic system relied on clean fair election. Any fraud, especially, the intetional one, should be vect and examed. Personally, except for greedy, I have trouble to see why a normal person should or would involved in election fraud. To that end, any fraud, to me, is worth the efforts to carefully examed. For example, if there really is the case of votes by deseasd people, we have to wonder why and what is the motivation? Even more seriously, it really make you wonder if there are systematic fraud underway.

Any election fraud should be carefully investigated. The due legal process should be followed and any political inclination shouldn't even be a factor. The important things is not who won but if our election are clean.

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