
Things about society.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

CoronaVirus and Face Mask

At to this point, the confirmed case in the United States is rising very fast and there is no sign that the government is to change its statements or views about the face mask wearing recommendation, while the shortage of the face mask remain and the Federal government continue to purchase and secure a large amount of face masks.

Up to this point, there are only few reports I can see that put their firm support behind face mask wearing in public. Few are trying to support it with very mild tone or quoting 'cultural differences'. I hope, at least, this demonstrates how much weight the words from the powerful (aka government) carries and the importance of using those words carefully - it can be the difference between the fail and the success - as we will see eventually.

Few of the claims and statements from the Federal government do deserve closer examination.

As a democratic society, the statement that because the health providers need the face masks should not be a reason to deprive citizen's right to purchase one. Everyone understand that the health providers need the face mask but citizen also understand that they need to protect their loved one. The thing government should have been doing is to make sure there are enough face masks for all.

The statement that not wearing the face mask properly will not help protecting the wearer is also totally missed the point - why don't you just tell people how to wear it properly. People are totally capable of learning and people should be learning in a democratic system.

As to the point that there isn't any proof that face mask actually protect the wearer is also a misleading statement. I have to question that how about the proof that the face masks actually hurt the wearer. Yes, have proof is better than not but we know that not everything in the world are verified - some of the experiments may not be easy or practical for various reasons. But wouldn't simple common sense help? First of all, if you are asking people for 6 feet social distance, can you explain why? what are you trying to prevent - the germ/virus spread through the air? Then, wouldn't the face mask provide another layer of protection? - yes, it may not be 100%, but wouldn't it help?

There is also that statement that you should wear face mask if you (not necessary professional health provider) are caring for patients. I hope you see the contradiction.

Of the few face mask articles, here is one that happen to mention some data: Should you wear a face mask to protect against coronavirus? According to the article, the mask is 80% effective if worn consistently.

Looking at the shortage of the face mask, in one way I am glade that people are smart enough not to blindly believe what the government told you and that is how a democratic system can work. As to a lot of media, please don't be a rubber stamp, people will desert you.

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